
Digital transformation is fundamentally not about technology, but about strategy. Mobile, artificial intelligence, cloud, blockchain, internet of things, 5G, … change the competition dynamics and require incumbents to use a different playbook.

To support executives in this journey I help them design, experiment and scale distinctive strategic moves in a digital world through consulting, training and coaching.

Consultant since 1999, I have advised on over 100 projects in France and around the world. My clients are mostly owners or general managers of mid-caps and family businesses.

As an Associate Professor at ESCP, I contribute to research and lecture in teaching programs for students and managers. In addition, I designed and led several academic programs and I am the scientific director of the AI for BusinessCertificate and the AI Initiatives Coordinator for the School.

Previously I have been involved in two start-ups and led the recovery of a failing company. I also founded and led Without Model, a think tank dedicated to foster open, collaborative and responsible business models.

I studied at ESCP where I obtained a master’s degree in Management and at Dauphine University where I earned a PhD in management science.

I help organisations design, experiment and scale distinctive strategic moves in a digital world

Strategic Moves
Build, sustain or defend a competitive advantage is a matter of movement. Explore rapidly various options, accelerate when the situation is favorable, slow down when it is not. The art of movement consists also sometimes in remaining still.

Strategic Moves: Divesture, new ventures, acquisition, transformation, repositioning, business model change, ...

Being distinctive
The environment is common to all, though everybody interprets it differently. An event may be perceived as a threat by some and as an opportunity by others. Interpreting environment signals is a distinctive capability. Every company has a set of specific assets or competencies. The ability of using them to seize an external opportunity is distinctive.

Distinctive: more aligned with their organisation, different from the competition
Experimenting, testing, scaling
Exploring options requires to rapidly analyse facts and feedbacks. Knowing how to experiment enables to build distinctive moves. Experiments are actions. But the only sense of experimenting is scaling up one day. Planning and experimenting cannot be separated.

Design: opportunities mapping
Experiment: proof of concept
Scale: resource allocation, training

Coaching, training, consultingWork with




La création de valeur par les données.

En Français 🇫🇷


Open Models

Open models are changing everything, are you ready?


Open models for sustainablity

A quelles conditions les modèles ouverts contribuent-ils à répondre aux défis environnementaux.

En Français 🇫🇷


Social Impact Business Model

Comment rassembler au sein de la même entité deux types de valeur qu’on a longtemps posé en alternative, la valeur sociale et la valeur économique ?

En Français 🇫🇷

White papers


Crafting a future where AI augments, not replaces

We propose three actions for corporations to navigate the automation/augmentation trade-off and highlight three issues on the European agenda associated with negative externalities triggered by AI technologies.


Embracing AI-human collaboration: The key to unlocking new sources of competitive advantages

Discover how AI reduces some traditional sources of competitive advantages, how combining AI and human expertise leads to new sources of competitive advantages and the transformation required to embrace this combination.


ChatGPT and Generative Artificial Intelligence: What upheavals will the managers of the future face?

What should companies expect, but also fear, from the systematic and widespread use of these new types of artificial intelligence? What impact will these tools have on employment? What are the implications for managers?


Responsiveness, the key value creation driver

9 value creation opportunities related to data and analytics + a methodology to capture them.


Data, competition and platforms

Learn how data is the weapon in the competition between platforms and incumbents : the role they play in platform business models and the possible strategies to react.


Make or buy choices

Learn how to choose between make or buy when it comes to data and analytics resources and capabilities.

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