BLOGDatanomics and strategy

A blog and a newsletter on competition and value creation with data and analytics.

Comments, examples, methodologies and research.

The first experimental studies which addressed the question concluded that lower performers were getting a bigger productivity boost thanks to AI than higher performers. Some recent study contradicted these results. The research In the study where researchers conducted an experiment with 444 professional writers, the conclusion was that initial inequalities in productivity between participant are...

Recent studies have explored how performance varies across three approaches: human-only, AI-only, and human–AI collaboration. The findings, however, are inconsistent. Some studies suggest that augmenting humans with AI yields better outcomes, while others show the opposite. This heterogeneity calls for a closer analysis to understand when is augmentation better than automation and when is it...

When objects are connected, value chains are transformed and new competition battles emerge. New territories are explored and new challengers compete. Who would have predicted the agriculture machine maker John Deere would partner with the satellite launching company SpaceX?

As more and more objects are connected to the internet, real-time data is generated massively. Sensors in smartphones, cars, manufacturing equipments or infrastructures collect data about the product use and its environment. Sent to a cloud server, data are used to predict future events and make better business decisions. How value is created and captured...

Over the last two decades, open source has become a significant and sometimes dominant distribution channel and business model for software. Companies like Open AI (at the beginning) and Hugging Face have based their success on this model. Other companies, such as Meta have used open source to weaken a competitor’s position. How to decide...

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